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Galleria Massimo De Carlo

Paris, Oct. 20 - Nov. 26, 2011

John Armleder, Massimo Bartolini, Dan Colen, Rashid Johnson, Nate Lowman, Rudolf Stingel, Kaari Upson, Yan Pei-Ming

Massimo De Carlo is pleased to present OH!, a group show at the Galerie Patrick Seguin in Paris, featuring works conceived and created specifically for this occasion. Abstract works – mostly large-scale paintings – where renowned dealer Massimo De Carlo sets out to compare young artists (Dan Colen, Nate Lowman, Rashid Johnson, Kaari Upson) with several heavyweights of the modern art scene (John Armleder, Massimo Bartolini, Rudolf Stingel and Yan Pei-Ming). The result is a lively dialogue that is sure to elicit the amazement of viewers – hence the title of the show – in terms of the sizes, the different techniques employed, and the materials used: from the latest chapter in the series of self-portraits by Rudolf Stingel to the textures of Dan Colen; from the drippings of John Armleder to the mirrored, smoke-blackened surfaces of Kaari Upson; from the lights of Massimo Bartolini that recall southern Italy’s patronal festivals to Rashid Johnson’s representative mirrored tiles; from the textured brushstrokes of Yan Pei-Ming to the “dirty” canvases of Nate Lowman.